SLS Foundation Courses teach foundational concepts and approaches related to “creating sustainable communities,” such as systems thinking and community engagement methods. While each course is unique, they do have some overlap. Thus, we recommend contacting the instructor if you wish to take a second foundation course to ensure that you will not find it repetitive.

PUBP 3600 Sustainability, Technology, and Policy (Offered Fall Semester)

The goal of this course is to provide a solid introduction to the concept of sustainable growth and development. Students will learn how to professionally navigate the current debate on sustainability and to assess strategies to promote sustainable communities and a sustainable planet.


SLS 3110 Technology and Sustainable Community Development (Tech and Sustainable Communities) (Offered Fall Semester)

When does technology improve communities? When doesn’t it, and why? How can you improve your chance of having a positive long-term impact on communities? How is designing technology for communities different from designing technology for consumers?


SLS 3120 Foundations of Sustainable Systems (Offered Spring Semester)

This course discusses how to make a "system" - a community,  a region, a supply chain, a company - more sustainable, both environmentally (lower CO2 emissions, better water quality, etc.) and socially (more equitable, more prosperous, etc.).  We will explore sustainability from a systems perspective, discussing stakeholder views and trade-offs between different dimensions of sustainability.


CP 2233 Sustainable Urban Development (Offered Spring Semester)

This course introduces the challenges of sustainability as applied to the built environment and the built environment's connectivity with the natural environment.


MGT 3770 Business Decisions for Sustainability and Shared Value (Offered Spring Semester)

This course uses the 2017 World Economic Forum Global Risks Report and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as frameworks to establish the role of fundamental human needs (food, water, shelter, energy, wages, and community) in shaping long-term business value and overall economic progress.