Safety: Supporting Students in Communities Unfamiliar to Them
- Discuss with your faculty partner what students should do to be safe and respectful in your community
- If at all possible, your faculty partner should arrange to visit your site before students undertake their activity. If a site visit cannot be arranged, please make sure you have met with your faculty partner to agree on activities, expectations, and logistics. If you are engaging in a semester-long partnership, not just a single event, then please communicate with one of SLS’ Service Learning and Partnerships Specialists. With their support, use our Collaborator Agreement to create a shared set of expectations, processes, and goals with your faculty partner at the beginning of the semester.
Reflection: ORID Model
Reflection related to co-curricular activities gives students time and space to critically examine the activity and understand its relevance to their learning in class. Discuss with your faculty partners ways to incorporate reflection in the activities you lead.
Reflection: DEAL Model