Hyoun-A Joo
GRMN 3030
Fall 2022

In the class, the students will learn about effects of migration movements on German-speaking societies by examining cultural artifacts such as literature, film, music etc. as well as language use. Social and issues and political views of groups from different socio-economic backgrounds are discussed from the perspective of minorities as well as the German-speaking majority. The students will learn about cultural and linguistic sustainability in relation to the diverse make-up of the society in Germany and how that may affect changes that are likely to happen in Germany in the foreseeable future. Chances and challenges of migration that changed and continue to transform German-speaking countries, most recently the influx of refugees from the Ukraine, are examined against the background of the political and sociocultural climate. This class further addresses issues of diversity and inclusion integrating topics such as religion, linguistic and ethnic differences, or gender. We will talk about how different immigrant and minority communities have influenced the political, economic, and sociocultural development of East Germany, West, North and South Germany differently throughout history. The students will also learn about efforts to keep the economy and the agriculture as well as power production and the environment sustainable. Germany is one of the largest producers of renewable energies and has made it its goal of getting rid of nuclear power plants and reduce fossil-burning power plants. We will look at incentives the government provides to businesses and private citizens to increase the production of green energy. 

Course Level
Partner Engagement
Core Curriculum Requirements