Capstone Design is an interdisciplinary civil and environmental design experience. Students form teams of 3 – 5 people, and these teams function as “companies” that provide consulting services to a selected sponsor on a specific design project. Students begin the semester responding to an actual Request for Qualifications (RFQ) advertised from a local project sponsor as a team. Students then select their projects among many different sub-disciplines and themes in order based on their ranking on the RFQ response. Projects are sponsored by multiple local government agencies and foundations (GDOT, Cobb Co, Gwinnett Co, Atlanta Beltline, PATH Foundation, US Army COE, etc) or consulting firms and are real-world projects that are currently being pursued or considered. Students go through the stages of problem definition, data acquisition, and evaluation of design alternatives. The course culminates in a written report and oral presentation of the final design at the sponsor’s facility. All of the projects are doing some service to the community, and understanding community context is vital to the final design. Most projects involve some analysis of sustainable development and trade-offs between economic, social and environmental impacts.